
Attaining Financial Abundance

Why is it that some people don’t get success and money, no matter how hard they try? They make every possible effort, but it all goes down the drain. Gradually, they lose interest in everything. They start blaming their fate for every failure.  They’re not wrong, as anyone in those circumstances will feel the same.

The problem, however, may lie somewhere else. Indeed, everybody cannot become Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, but they can at least realize their optimum dollar potential. 

(In our program, we can measure your ultimate dollar potential).

If attaining financial abundance is your goal, blockage of chakras may be the obstacle in your way. 

One of the greatest scientists since the past 200 years, Albert Einstein, has proved that everything is a form of energy (E=MC2). Every asset or any form of wealth has a specific frequency.  If it matches with the frequency of your desire, you can acquire it.

However, these chakras are invisible in your body. They may be inactive or blocked. They may not be properly aligned. The secret of success lies in decoding the password of life, which lies in balancing the 7 chakras. When these 7 chakras resonate at a certain frequency, they release optimum energy. This invisible programming hidden in 7 kundalini chakras is responsible for whatever you get in your life. 

As DNA and RNA form the basis of life in your body, you may consider this energy as the blueprint of your life.  When all the 7 chakras are perfectly aligned the way they should be — everything in your life works effortlessly. You become the man with the Midas touch.  You are healthy, happy and live an abundant life.

However, you may ask why these chakras lose their balance? They may be misaligned because of lifestyle habits, emotional trauma, and extreme negative childhood experience or even the food you eat. The point to remember is whatever you do in life has a profound impact on the alignment of chakras. They interact constantly with your thoughts, actions and the world around you. 

Any imbalance in your life creates an imbalance in your energies. And then its impact is manifested in different forms. You become a captive of your emotions. Your start making wrong decisions.  And gradually, your life goes haywire. 

As per the Rig-Veda, this is not a conducive situation to attract Kubera (the God of wealth). 

When your chakras are balanced, you vibrate at a higher energy level. You become like a magnet that can easily attract events, people, right opportunities and great ideas. A combination of these ingredients, bring money and wealth. 

On a final note, balancing chakras is a great secret from the ancient Vedas, which remained hidden for many years, or the knowledge was simply confined to a limited few.  This is in fact, the divine secret to attract money and infinite abundance in life.

If you want to know more, attend our program where I’ll answer every question that you have. Also, it will open up a new pathway to prosperity.

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Attaining Financial Abundance

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