
Mindfulness and Its Impact on Kundalini Awakening

You may have come across the term ‘mindfulness’ in various sources or websites if you’re interested in wellness. According to myriad people, it is a way to manage stress. Often people equate it with meditation which is not wrong. However, there is much more to it. 

American Psychology Association defines mindfulness as a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment. That means mindfulness is not a trait but a state of mind. And achieving mindfulness is easily possible through meditation. There is nothing wrong in  what ASA describes about mindfulness; however, in-depth analysis is required to understand its true meaning and intricate value.

This is what Lord Krishna says in Bahgwad Gita, a sacred Hindu scripture in Sanskrit language:

“A person whose peace of mind is not affected by the waves of desire entering in mind, as river water enters the ocean without disturbing its flow”. 

He further says,”O Arjuna! One who desires for material objects can never be happy. His mind will never be in the state of equanimity.

True peace can be attained once you abandon all desires. You get rid of this feeling of “I” and “my”. 

Whatever suffering you go through has a reaction. When all reactions cease to exist, you’ll have no more suffering or pain.  This is the state of true mindfulness where there is no reaction, no cause, and thus no effect in the mind. 

Mental disturbance is created when we act and react mindlessly which ultimately results in immense turmoil psychologically. 


Mindfulness and Kundalini Awakening

It is important to understand the correlation between mindfulness and kundalini awakening. Once your kundalini chakras gradually start getting activated, the horizon of your consciousness expands. Consequently, the rational capability of your mind increases. 

From root chakra to heart and head chakras, all them control different emotions, and these emotions are accountable for your actions and reactions.  Fear, greed, anxiety, jealousy, and anger are dominant human emotions that emanate from different chakras. Humans often act impulsively or react in certain ways because of the imbalances of different chakras.

Can your mind achieve total peace or mindfulness if your root chakra or sacral chakra is not aligned properly or deactivated?

The answer is – No, it’ssimply not possible. Equanimity in mind can only be attained when your chakras function in perfect synchronization – quite similar to different notes of a piyano. 

One Tip to Balance Chakras with Mindfulness Techniques

Balancing Root Chakra

Root chakra is the source of all irrational fears of the mind. People with root chakra imbalance tend to blow things out of proportion.  They’re so engrossed in smaller or irrelevant things that they end up losing sight of the bigger picture. With the help of mindfulness meditation techniques, balancing root chakra is possible.

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