
Meditation for Chakras Balancing and Healing

Meditation is the process of establishing synchronization between mind, body and spirit. Like the outer world, there is an inner world which is much deeper and complex. This spiritual world is beyond the reach of today’s technological advancement and scientific innovations.

Kundalini awakening is the first step of this inner spiritual journey. Starting from the root of the spinal cord, the 7 chakras (read our blogs for in-depth information)are spread till the point where eyebrows meet.

According to ancient Vedic scriptures, these chakras are life forces or pranic tatva. Every thought, decision and action of your life is guided by these chakras. If they are not in perfect alignment or are imbalanced, you cannot achieve the ultimate goals of life. 

How Meditation Works

As stated in the Vedas, our body is composed of earth, water, fire, sky, and air (prithivi, jal, agni, aakash and Vayu). The five elements should be proportionately balanced. Vedas offer various techniques such as manta chanting for getting rid of the imbalance in these elements. For instance, if your body is Agni or fire dominated, you will have to reduce its excessive impact through mantra chanting, yagya, vastu and meditation.

The ultimate destiny or perfect alignment of life forces cannot be achieved until all pervading life energies ascend the six spinal centers while reinforcing the human consciousness progressively. And when it reaches the highest point in the brain (Sahastrara), ultimate consciousness is achieved. 

The Science of Meditation

Among various techniques, meditation is considered the most powerful.Through chakra meditation, third eye meditation, pranayama or deep breathing, ajapa meditation, and mantra chanting, different chakras are stimulated and the entire kundalini path is cleared. 

Each of the chakras has a different password for life’s ultimate destiny. By following a specific meditation technique, correct vibration is created for unlocking these chakras.

Studies have proved that meditation techniques keep brain cells active and agile even during old age. Harvard researcher Sara Lazar once opined that meditation can slow down the process of natural reduction of brain tissues. Various research also show that the brain cells of an aged meditator is as active as a non-meditator in the early 20’s.

Mediation offers powerful solutions to mundane modern-daylifestyle hazards. It can also help you achieve your ultimate destiny. After all, your life’s destiny depends on the decisions you make at different stages of life.Unless your mind is balanced, these decisions can be influenced by various emotions like fear, greed, anger, and guilt. All of these powerful emotions are guided by different chakras. Unfortunately, people keep treating various symptoms during their entire life without understanding the real ailments.

Types of Meditation Techniques

Patanjali Rishi (sage) is the founder of yoga science. All the techniques that we practice today were initially promoted by him. Some of the most popular ancient techniques are mindfulness, anulom-vilom, vipassana, guided meditation, transcendental meditation, chakra meditation, kriya-yoga, shiva-yoga, Sudarshan kriya and metta-yoga. However, allthese techniques are derived from fundamental yoga sutra (formulas) of Patanjali. 

It begins with chitta-vritti-nirodhah (controlling the fluctuations of mind), which is the core of any yoga practice.However, different yoga practices have different goals.

Mind-yoga can calm down the unnecessary disturbance or uneasiness of the mind. With the help of certain techniques, the mind gets focused at a certain point. Next comes mantra yoga that even goes beyond transcendental state. 

Best Way to Do Meditation or Yoga

A human being is like a bioreactor where trillions of atoms are breaking and energy is being released. Your body is not very different from an organic atom bomb. Doing yoga or meditation in the wrong way can have a terrible effect on kundalini chakras.

 Like an atom that can release tremendous amounts of energy, when smashed and controlling it can be almost impossible. Kundalini, too, is a storehouse of energy and the energy released due to meditation should be guided properly upwards or else it can have a devastating impact. 

If your kundalini experiment goes wrong, it can destroy your mind and body in no time. Therefore, kundalini awakening activities should be done under absolute control and guidance.  

Always remember that the force of kundalini, hidden in the serpent coil within the spine can be activated only by following certain techniques. 

When the root chakra is activated, the process starts and the yogi keeps moving upward in the ladder as other chakras get activated one after the other.  At the top center, Sahasrara Chakra, which is like a thousand–petalled lotus, opens. This is the time when you lose your individuality. You, no-longer, remain an ordinary mortal. You get enlightened just like Buddha, Jesus or Mohave Jain. 

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